Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Is Homework Neccessary??

Hy, Guys...
First of all, I would like to thank Mr. T as English teacher for giving me the opportunity to say a few word and this time. In this occasion I’d like to speak about pro and contra about giving homework for student. As a student we are familiar with homework. Teacher in any subject often give us homework.

Believe or not when we do our homework it help the students in studying. If we do not custom to studying we will have the reason to studying. The tasks which is given by teacher help to recover students mark in daily exams, indirect us means remedial. Homework also use full for to preparing new subject which will given by the teacher for the next meeting.

On the other hand homework which is given to the students its better if the tasks are not too seize students time and each week. Don’t give tasks because in senior high school there are many subjects. If each week all of the teacher give the tasks so. Unable for prepare exam which will be faced in the future.

The conclusion is the task which are given is necessary if help the students in understanding school subject or certain materials and also help to fix the bad mark or remedial. But homework which is given continuously will be bourdon students. It should not be given too often because student also need refresh. To much doing tasks or homework will seize students time instead of studying to prepare final exam.especially for children XII class assignments teachers will be difficult to done because the class XII students should prepare themselves for the national exams.


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